THE Quiberon CBS© Salted Butter Caramel by Henri LE ROUX

THE Quiberon CBS©  Salted Butter Caramel by Henri LE ROUX

Style: "Color tone - warm"
Copyright© Henri Le Roux
Often imited but never equaled , the Salted Butter Caramel , also called CBS©, created by Henri Le Roux is the only and unique one.
It’s a salted butter caramel , with some crushed walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds added to it. It’s meltingly soft, delicious and extremely heartwarming.

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bp praslines - mazet_2012_07 5136
Photo Credit: MAZET
The only true and unique prasline was created in the 17th Century by Clement Jaluzot, the cook of the Duke de Choiseul, Count de Plessis-Praslin, he established his store in the city of Montargis in order to sell his praslines. In 1903, Léon Mazet and his wife Jeanne Vieillard, decided to buy the prasline recipe and they created “la Maison Mazet”.

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